Level 2
"Professional Aromatherapist" Course
Self-Study Online Course
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Is This Course For Me?
✅ The Level 2 | Professional Aromatherapy Course is designed for students who want to take their clinical aromatherapy knowledge to the next level, whether for your personal development and healing, or to work with clients.
You will learn about botany, advanced blending methods, using essential oils safely during pregnancy, labor, breastfeeding and with babies/kids. You will also discover essential oils' chemistry (beginner friendly!), how to conduct professional consultations, tips and tricks on how to start your own business, ethics, and much more.
You will make 10 more case studies, write a research paper, and make more fun aroma products for the home!
✅ This course requires successful completion of the Level 1 | Aromatherapy Foundation Course.
✅ This course includes two parts:
Part 1:
Level 2 Aromatherapy Course
Part 2:
Anatomy & Physiology Course
Level 2
Aromatherapy Course
Self-Study Online Course
Information below
Anatomy &
Self-Study Course
Click here for more info
Reviewed and Approved by
Dr. Anbreen Slama Chaudhry
Quick Facts
✔️ Prerequisite: Level 1 | Aromatherapy Foundation Course.
✔️ Upon successful completion, you will receive the Certificate of Completion of the "Professional Aromatherapist" course; accredited by NAHA as Level 2 Certified Professional Aromatherapist®.
Course Overview
If you thought that Level 1 was very comprehensive, this advanced level goes much deeper!
You will learn about essential oils chemistry, various advanced blending techniques, applications and safety during pregnancy, labor with babies and children.
In addition to the curriculum below, you will study and complete:
✔️ 25 essential oils profiles.
✔️ 10 carrier oils profiles.
✔️ Complete 10 advanced case studies.
✔️ Write a research paper (8-10 pages) on the subject of your choice.
✔️ Complete other assignments.
Curriculum Overview
✎ Introduction to Botany
✎ Professional Consultations
✎ Ethics
✎ Essential Oils Chemistry
✎ Advanced Blending Techniques
✎ Advanced Safety Guidelines
✎ Pregnancy, Labor, and Post-Natal Uses
✎ Babies and Children
✎ Hydrosols
✎ Women’s Health
✎ Aromatherapy & Pain Management
✎ Aromatherapy & Auto-Immune Diseases
✎ Aromatherapy & The liver
✎ Building Your Own Business
🏺 Many recipes.
✎ Introduction to Reflexology & Foot Massage
✎ Hands-on Arm & Hand massage
✎ Aromatherapy Vs. Flower Essences
✎ Aromatherapy & Herbalism
✎ And much more...
To receive the full curriculum, please contact us.
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Certification Requirements
✔️ Completion of 10 advanced case studies
✔️ Research paper
✔️ Pass the final test with a grade of 80% minimum
NAHA Accreditation
Our Level 2 Professiona Aromatherapist Course is accredited and approved by the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, based in the U.S (NAHA).
Upon successful completion of the course, this accreditation allows you to:
Become a Level 2 NAHA member as Certified Level 2 Professional Aromatherapist®.
Opportunity for continuous education, free webinars and other sources.
Opportunity for networking.
Exclusive Discounts !
As a students and/or graduate of the Institute, you will continue to receive exclusive discounts on selected aromatherapy brands in Egypt:
Seshen Aromatherapy offers pure essential oils that have been GC/MS tested and that went through strict quality control. They also sell therapeutic blends ready to use. If you also use essential oils for meditation and spiritual uses, you will also find unique oils such as Palo Santo or White Sage.